Monday, September 22, 2008

A Letter From Will Adams, Executive Director of RMAA

Dear DWC Members,

Thank you for allowing me time this evening to talk with you a bit more about Rocky Mountain Arts Association and our potential future together should you elect to become a program of ours. I continue to look forward to our combined future!

I would like to address again the concern raised about the DWC purpose statement as proposed by your board, and strongly encourage you to move forward with approving it as a membership next week along with the RMAA integration vote.

The proposed separate mission and purpose statements written by your board are very similar to your current mission statement, with the only major differences being that the proposed is actually more of a recognition of your allied members and more inclusive. The current mission statement reads "The chorus is open to all persons who are either Lesbian or who are respectful of Lesbianism." The proposed purpose reads "With origins in the lesbian community and open to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their supporters…." Both the current and proposed reference "supporters of" and do not specifically mention our straight members. I believe what your board has come up with is quite strong, inclusive and a great representation of who the DWC is.

I believe it important for you to know that if the vote is favorable next Sunday to integrating DWC into RMAA, any changes or adaptation of the mission or purpose statements going forward would be at the vote of the new DWC Chorus Council (your current board) and the RMAA board. In other words, the council would seek your input but ultimately approves the statement and sends it to the RMAA board. Given this, I believe it is very important for you as members, as you are considering this new direction for DWC with RMAA, to at the same time select a strong purpose statement as part of your new direction.

As I mentioned this evening, I am available for you all week if you have any additional questions or concerns. My email address is and my phone number is 866-862-9382.



J William Adams
Executive Director
Rocky Mountain Arts Association
303-325-7495 fax

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