Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to DWC's first blog

The Board of DWC created this blog to open communications with our members and hopefully our community at large.


slehan said...

It might be helpful to post some information on how to use this blog. I don't even remember exactly how I got started since my computer keeps me logged on to Blogger.


"no matter where you go -- there you are."

Connie North said...

I disagree with Will that the new purpose statement honors our straight members in the same way that the old one did. The old one has two categories, Lesbian and "respectful of Lesbianism". The new one lists five (?) SPECIFIC different categories and then adds "support" which is vague and makes it seem much more like an afterthought. I don't see that adding one or two more words such as "straight" or "allies" would make it significantly more "wordy". Also I resent being pushed into voting on an issue which we have not had time to discuss. I realize that in order to survive financially we are probably going to have to join RMAA, but I hope this isn't an indication of being strong-armed into future decisions without having a chance to discuss them thoroughly.

DWC Board said...


I understand your concern around being strong-armed. I believe that Will is really trying to say that right now we can define ourselves without having to go through the RMAA board.

Here's another option that is much more elequoent, I think:

With origins in the lesbian community and open to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, the Chorus provides educational, cultural and social enrichment through its performances and activities, thereby making a positive contribution to our audiences, members and the entire community.

What do you think? I'll post this for everyone as a new post so that we can discuss it. - Kareen

DWC Board said...

That is an EXCELLENT idea! I'll ask Cece to send directions out in an e-mail to the chorus. - Kareen

swhittlesey said...

Why don't we vote on our purpose statement BEFORE the RMAA vote. That way it is OUR chorus' decision. From my comversations with long time members, it is WOMEN's chorus to be inclusive of all women. I like Kareen's new "eloquent option".

Susan Whittlesey

DWC Board said...

I have submitted the new purpose statement to RMAA. I don't see that they will have a problem with it. I agree that we should vote on the purpose statement first as well. By the way, it was Michelle's idea. The BOD thought it was brilliant and decided that we would adopt it.